【teen patti gold hack no value found with game killer】China introduces guidelines to tackle student obesity

热点 2024-09-20 22:52:03 4

BEIJING,teen patti gold hack no value found with game killer July 22 (Xinhua) -- China on Monday rolled out comprehensive guidelines to combat obesity among primary and secondary school students, emphasizing prevention, early intervention and disease early warning efforts.

The "technical guidelines for comprehensive prevention and control of overweight and obesity in primary and secondary school students" was jointly issued by the National Disease Control and Prevention Administration, the Ministry of Education, the National Health Commission, and the General Administration of Sport of China.

Weight issues and obesity affect the health of primary and secondary school students, necessitating urgent intervention, the guidelines note.

Key recommendations include promoting healthy eating habits with reduced salt, oil and added sugar, providing scientific intervention methods and encouraging schools to hire qualified nutritionists.

The guidelines also call for ensuring daily physical activity with at least one physical education class per day, conducting regular health screenings, and establishing health records for students, with timely feedback to parents.

A self-assessment form for overweight and obesity risks has been introduced to enable families and schools to perform evaluations under professional guidance.

The new measures aim to effectively prevent and control the occurrence and development of overweight and obesity among Chinese students, ensuring their physical and mental wellbeing. ■

Editor: Zhang Zhou



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