【passport agents in bangalore】Fish migrate to spawning grounds at Port Hope, Canada

娱乐 2024-09-20 18:46:59 845

People watch as fish jump upstream during their migration to the spawning grounds in the Ganaraska River at Port Hope, Ontario, Canada, on Sept. 8, 2024. (Photo by Zou Zheng/Xinhua)

A fish swims upstream during its migration to the spawning grounds in the Ganaraska River at Port Hope, Ontario, Canada, on Sept. 8, 2024. (Photo by Zou Zheng/Xinhua)

A fish swims upstream during its migration to the spawning grounds in the Ganaraska River at Port Hope, Ontario, Canada, on Sept. 8, 2024. (Photo by Zou Zheng/Xinhua)

A fish jumps upstream during its migration to the spawning grounds in the Ganaraska River at Port Hope, Ontario, Canada, on Sept. 8, 2024. (Photo by Zou Zheng/Xinhua)

Fish jump upstream during their migration to the spawning grounds in the Ganaraska River at Port Hope, Ontario, Canada, on Sept. 8, 2024. (Photo by Zou Zheng/Xinhua)

Editor: WXY




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